The River Yonne The River Yonne Affordable Art 81720
Martin Warburg - The River Yonne | Landscape Art Art Painting
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Martin Warburg - "The River Yonne"

"The River Yonne"

The River Yonne
Acrylic on Canvas, US$ 108

The River Yonne

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Acrylic on Canvas

W: 380mm x H: 275mm x D: 3mm
W: 15" x H: 11" x D:

Approx. Weight: 1kg

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 108 SOLD


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About "The River Yonne"

Tranquility on the River Yonne. Downstream it becomes the Seine and flows through Paris.

Martin Warburg

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View all 107 works by Martin Warburg

About Martin

Martin Warburg

It is probably because I live in a truly beautiful part of the world that I am conscious of and inspired to portray most places that I visit.

That said, I am relatively new to art. My background is in business over many years, but the mismanagement of our national economy took the fun out of hard work and using initiative. So in order to limit my exposure to government dead-beats, trade union stooges and other bottom feeders, I decided to opt out and explore the right side of my brain.

And that is how I came to paint.

I have had the very good fortune of sound mentoring and generous advice in the development of any skills I have, and am grateful to those who have nudged me along the way; there is nothing that beats advice spoken from experience and talent.

I find painting almost narcotic, because each assignment holds onto you until it is either right or you concede defeat. But even when defeated I find I keep coming back for another fix of acrylic on canvas. And fortunately, defeats are rare enough not to dent my enthusiasm.

Thank you for your visit.

Price Range

US$ 53-314



Betty's Bay Art Venues;
Art in the Park;
Overberg Artistic Concepts Year-End Exhibition


B. Economics and MBA

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