Dolosse R'bay
Oil on Canvas,
Dolosse R'bay
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Oil on Canvas
W: 600mm x H: 460mm
W: 24" x H: 18"
This work is
US$ 218
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View all 80 works by Simon van Leeuwen
About Simon
Simon van Leeuwen was born in Maassluis, a small fishermen[0x1]s village in the Netherlands.
He is married, has three sons, two daughters and thirteen grandchildren.
Simon settled in South Africa with his family in 1973.
He is very creative and has a keen interest in various types of art.
I always loved drawing, from my childhood through my time at primary and secondary school as well as my university years.
My working carrier has been a continuous challenge and testing ground for my creativity, and the slogan still is: [0x1]back to basics[0x1].
My first piece of art of any substance, a 750mm x 1500mm framed black-and-white drawing was created in 1961and the first oil painting saw the light in about 1975.
I learned many things from my friend and teacher Olivia Maritz.
It is such a pleasure to play with light and shadows, colours and shapes, creating illusions of things to be seen on a canvass, that are not actually painted or detailed.
It is extremely rewarding to be creative and to have the knowledge that other people enjoy looking at the results.
Price Range
US$ 136-3,405
Slot Loevenstein in Bloemfontein (22 paintings, oil on canvas) untill end of July 2010. The Woodsman in Sabie (6 paintings, oil on canvas), ongoing. Empangeni Museum (paintings, oil on canvassfor 2 month)untill end January 1911)
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