Evening Mood Evening Mood Affordable Art 39980
Ruth Battell - Evening Mood | Contemporary Art Art Painting
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Ruth Battell - "Evening Mood"

"Evening Mood"

Evening Mood
Acrylic on Canvas, US$ 68

Evening Mood

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Acrylic on Canvas

W: 338mm x H: 480mm x D: 1mm
W: 13" x H: 19" x D:

Approx. Weight: 1.15kg

This work is unframed


US$ 68


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About "Evening Mood"

Sitting in paradise in the Western Cape, South Africa, this is the mood as seen from my north balcony and all I could think of is "the glory of it all and "Out Of Africa" - it get's in your blood and I truly wish that the paintings captures the mood

Ruth Battell

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About Ruth

Ruth Battell

Whilst in London in the late 1970's, I took a basic drawing course and ever since I've had a burning desire to try my hand at art. It's taken another 36 years before I had the time and peace to pick up a brush.

What inspires me? Life and all that it encompasses. My style is not yet defined but I prefer the impressionistic style above any other.

I've had absolute fun creating what's my perceptions of nature, music and life and hope with all my heart that you, the viewer will get as much pleasure out of my work as I've had creating it.

Price Range

US$ 49-284




Commercial diploma obtained in Switzerland

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