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6 Works

"South African Daisies"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 356mm x  H: 457mm x  D: 35mm

South African Daisies
by Glenda Chambers
US$ 91

View Large Image Mixed Media:  W: 300mm x  H: 500mm x  D: 0mm

by Madge Preyser-Grantham
US$ 181

"Sleeping Leopard"
View Large Image Pen and Ink:  W: 130mm x  H: 195mm x  D: 40mm

Sleeping Leopard
by Melanie Meyer
US$ 57

"The close Mountain"
View Large Image Acrylic on Canvas:  W: 305mm x  H: 610mm x  D: 40mm

The close Mountain
by Josef Gocke
US$ 262 SOLD

"The Forgotten Windmill"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 540mm x  H: 300mm x  D: 30mm

The Forgotten Windmill
by Marthie Potgieter
US$ 122 SOLD

"Namaqualand, Field of Blue Flowers"
View Large Image Acrylic on Canvas:  W: 450mm x  H: 350mm

Namaqualand, Field of Blue Flowers
by Renee Calitz
US$ 135 SOLD