Red Landscape STOLEN Red Landscape STOLEN Affordable Art 35975
Pierre Oosthuizen - Red Landscape STOLEN | Landscape Art Fine Art
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Pierre Oosthuizen - "Red Landscape STOLEN"

"Red Landscape STOLEN"

Red Landscape STOLEN
Oil on Canvas, US$ 75

Red Landscape STOLEN

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Oil on Canvas

W: 340mm x H: 220mm x D: 3mm
W: 13" x H: 9" x D:

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)




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Star Nation Art Studio

About "Red Landscape STOLEN"

These works were obtained fraudulently and are believed to be in the JHB area. If you have any information regarding their whereabouts please contact us or your local police.

Pierre Oosthuizen

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View all 14 works by Pierre Oosthuizen

About Pierre

Pierre Oosthuizen

Pierre Died August 2015 - no works will be sold until further notice of the family

I have been born with the apreciation of colour and texture and have always needed to create. In 2007 I made the life Changing decision to devote myself to art and am now painting full time in the hope that it would grow and bear fruit. I took part in 2 succesfull group exhibitions at Starnation Art Studio in Heidelberg, 2007 and 2008. Work entered for the Strydom Gallery in George's winter exhibition was also sold. Our Group Exhibit at 99 on beach in The Strand, Aug 2009 again succesfull and the feedback from our guests very inspiring!
I have no formal art training and it might be ignorance, but often find reasons to question the institutionilized art world...
My digital images are once-off and once printed, the electronic image is destroyed.

Price Range

US$ 62-200



Heidelberg Group, 2007
Heidelberg Group, 2008
Strydom Gallery George, 2009
99 On Beach, Strand, 2009
Rialto Art Centre Strand, 2009
Heidelberg Group, 2009


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