Similes and Metaphors Similes and Metaphors Affordable Art 92161
Sharon Bernhardt - Similes and Metaphors | Other Art Fine Art
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Sharon Bernhardt - "Similes and Metaphors"

"Similes and Metaphors"

Similes and Metaphors
Other, US$ 271

Similes and Metaphors

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W: 600mm x H: 600mm x D: 50mm
W: 24" x H: 24" x D: 2"

Approx. Weight: 1.5kg

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 271


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About "Similes and Metaphors"

These paintings are all different, but prints are available. Originals can be ordered and the price would be approximately double the price of a print. The are delightfully educational and amuse children and adults alike. An element of fun has been brought into the composition; they are bright and cheerful.

Sharon Bernhardt

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View all 28 works by Sharon Bernhardt

About Sharon

Sharon Bernhardt

I was born in London, but came out to Africa when I was one year old. My father was an engineer and so we lived in many, many parts of Africa - some of which were extremely remote. Until the age of 5, I barely spoke English, but was fluent in a variety of the local tongues. When I was 12 and living near the border of Uganda and Tanzania a boating accident made it necessary for me to swim across the Kagera river in full flood, thus earning me my native name "Samaki", Swahili for "Fish". I sometimes use this name on my paintings. But my love of Africa with its treasure chest of colours, smells, sounds, diverse peoples and wildlife is well-ingrained and Africa will always be my first passion.

Price Range

US$ 72-271



Well-covered up to degree level

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