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W: 450mm x H: 590mm
W: 18" x H: 23"
This work is
framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)
US$ 772
About "Scorpio"
Silver frame with grain, pic floating between two pieces of glass.
Pieces of our planet floating towards the constellation of Scorpio who has laid claim to any of the scraps it can get; possibly in the not too distant future if we don't start taking care of it!!!
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View all 18 works by Ant Latimer
About Ant
Art has always been my main form of escape & relaxation. I love painting scenes from the Universe, like Earth from space, the Moon or moons of other planets, Nebulas with their exciting brilliant colours, surreal objects floating in space, all with a backdrop of star constellations [0x1]joined with a fine line[0x1]. I also paint other subjects in other styles. I recently returned from working for a few years as an Art lecturer & auctioneer on cruise ships, where I was fortunate enough to teach and entertain thousands of people from all around the world on anything from popular contemporary artists to some of the old masters. I understand that my work is unconventional, but I feel that as an artist, I need to paint 'mainly' what I feel inside, but I'm also very happy to do commissioned works of any subject or in any style you require.
Price Range
US$ 225-1,804
My work was included in the weekly exhibitions on board the cruise ships, with the other artists I was representing. Examples of my work are now owned by people in the USA, UK, Spain, France, Namibia & South Africa.
3 years of high school art, but mostly self taught
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