The Cycle of Life The Cycle of Life Affordable Art 110257
Nasina Nash - The Cycle of Life | Contemporary Art Original Art
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Nasina Nash - "The Cycle of Life"

"The Cycle of Life"

The Cycle of Life
Mixed Media, US$ 78

The Cycle of Life

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Mixed Media
charcoal and conte on paper

W: 400mm x H: 560mm x D: 1mm
W: 16" x H: 22" x D:

Approx. Weight: 0.25kg

This work is unframed


US$ 78


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About "The Cycle of Life"

The concept of life and it's intricate qualities, that is part of every human being, their emotional qualities and personal battles that is part of life until the end of every life. That I was inspired to portray.

Nasina Nash

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View all 24 works by Nasina Nash

About Nasina

Nasina Nash

On my theme A CELEBRATION OF LIFE, I express my admiration and awe for the evolutionary process from simple prehistoric life forms to the intricate and complicated physical, emotional and spititual qualities of humans and their inter personal relationships today.

Also for the incredible qualities of all living creatures. For me the grace of horses, that magnificent and proud partner of man through the ages, symbolizes the beauty of the whole animal kingdom.

My work has been taken up in private collecions in England, America, Australia, Spain and Kazakhstan.

I particularly admire the work of Diane Victor. Philip Badenhorst,Judith Mason and Carl Jeppe.
I received tuition from lecturers like - Carl Jeppe - life drawing, Philip Badenhorst- painting, George Boys - painting, Barend Grobbelaar(Studio Visio) - painting and life drawing.
I have also obtained a B Com. Financial Management at University Johannesburg.

Price Range

US$ 73-272



I participated in exhibitions : Potchefstroom Art Museum, Benmore Gardens Art Gallery, Edenvale Art Gallery, Potchefstroom Association of Arts, The Watercolour Society, Norscot Manor Art Gallery, Gordon Froud Art Gallery, Rosebank, Pretoria Association of Arts, Gallery One Sixty Rosebank, Rotary Art Festival Hyde Park, G I B S Art Festival Bryanston, Tina Skukan Art Gallery Pretoria, Isis Art Gallery Rosebank.


Fine Arts Pretoria Tech(incompl.) B Com.Financial Management

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